Secrets of Motivation and Delegating Authority



Learning Outcomes:

  • Integrate motivational skills into leadership style, including keys to inspire participation.
  • Employ effective methods for delegating responsibilities to others.

Leadership Solutions: Students have challenges in motivating their members and getting them involved. How do they do it? They need to know about using hot buttons and overcoming the myths to successful delegation!

Delegation can be one of the hardest things for student leaders to master. Too often they take the approach that it is just easier to do it themselves, when real delegation not only empowers more members of the organization, it can also yield positive results that no one ever expected. Teaching students how to delegate and let go is an important part of their development as a student leader. They will also learn the keys to motivating members to take responsibility, get involved, and be excited about the organization. Dave takes motivating students seriously and shares one of his personal success stories in the program.  This presentation approaches these topics with tips and techniques that attendees will be able to put into practice immediately!

Booking Dave will not break the bank – check out his Affordable Pricing Model for a quote! Click on his calendar to find a date for your school! Watch the video clip from this program below:

Delegation is one of the hardest skills for leaders and managers to master. Many people get caught up in the myths surrounding delegating authority and responsibility, such as “It is just easier and faster to do it myself.” In this video, Dave busts eight of the biggest myths about delegation and how involving and engaging others can create great results for your organization or company.

Promotional Video for Program at the University of Texas El Paso