Governing Documents Review


This is a great time for student governments, programming boards, and other organizations to get their house in order. Reviewing, updating, and reimagining the governing documents such as constitutions, by-laws, and policies has been a high priority for many of these groups.

Dave is an expert in parliamentary procedure and documents for student organizations. He has literally reviewed hundreds of constitutions, by-laws, polices, and standing rules during his time as a student leader, advisor, and professional speaker. Dave would love to work with your student government, programming board, or other club/organization to help bring your documents up-to-date!

He will look for redundancies, out-of-date terminology, current concerns such as gender neutrality, and crafting emergency clauses for circumstances just like we have gone through the past few years. Some SGAs couldn’t elect members as a result of the pandemic and lockdowns due to some of the requirements in their election procedures. Some did not have a line of succession to accommodate student leaders who decided to put their educations on hold. Dave can help with all of these types of issues, not only for student government, but also programming boards, Greek organizations, and any other group interested in bringing their governing documents up to date.

Email Dave at or call/text 404-403-1481 to discuss having him review your governing documents. Working with Dave will not break the bank, he will give you a quote that meets your needs and budget!

Dave Kelly, thank you for your expertise and knowledge in re-writing HACC, Central PA Community College Student Programming Board’s constitution.  You did an excellent job in providing our institution with best practices!  I truly enjoyed working with you.  You delivered on your promises and provided much more!  We hope to continue to work with you in the future!” Monica Dixon-Howard, Assistant Director of Student Involvement, Harrisburg Area Community College (PA)