Campus Organization Advisor Training


Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand from the perspective of club/organization advisor how to guide your students in their meetings, activities, and projects and
  • Know ways to support and empower members and officers to accomplish their goals and objectives

Leadership Solutions: The role of the advisor can vary from group to group. It is valuable to know how to best motivate and empower students to help them succeed and be more engaged.

The role of the advisor is important to every campus club and organization. Some groups need more attention and supervision than others. Knowing when and how to step-back and empower students is a key skill for all advisors. This session can be customized for the needs of your campus and include topics such as membership recruitment, engagement, and retention, basics of parliamentary procedure to help the students run the best meetings possible, conflict resolution, motivation and delegation, and more.

Dave’s presentation on Risk Management Leadership for Campus Organizations has been a popular part of training for advisors all over the country and can be included with other topics or as a stand alone session.

Dave worked with 20-25 advisors per year as a state advisor and knows the benefits that students gain from having an advisor who is in tune with what they need as members and leaders.

This is great as a dedicated workshop for advisors, as part of a leadership conference, a Lunch ‘N Learn, or any other training/leadership event.

Booking Dave will not break the bank – check out his Affordable Pricing Model for a quote! Click on his calendar to find a date for your school!