Learning Outcomes: Know the proper formats for making motions and writing resolutions and distinguish the various types of motions and parliamentary procedure techniques, priorities, and attributes to make your meetings more effective
Leadership Solutions: This program will help to eliminate the chaos and confusion in your meetings, help your student leaders to be more productive, and make all of your members feel more confident in their leadership roles! Your students will be able to get things done!
Parliamentary procedure is intended to facilitate discussion and protect the rights of the minority voice in debate. Too many times, though, it can be used as a weapon by students who are better versed in than others. This presentation can be very in-depth for those groups that require it or just hit the highlights for organizations that want to run their meetings right, but don’t get too caught up in all of the mechanics of procedure. All aspects of meetings are discussed including creating agendas, the right way to do the minutes, making of motions, submitting proposals, and voting options for members. Everyone who attends receives a guide to parliamentary procedure that should put all members on an equal footing and be able to reference the proper way to conduct discussion and votes in meetings.
Also learn the Role of the Chair and Nine Things that Parliamentary Procedure Teaches Us. This is Dave’s most popular session and will help your SGA to get things done! Includes a mock meeting where everyone gets to be the chair and make a proposal to discuss, debate, and vote on!
Of course, student government members should participate in this program, but who else on your campus? Programming or activities board, Greek Life, club and organization leaders, and Residence Life all need to have the skills taught in this presentation on how to run effective and efficient meetings.
Booking Dave will not break the bank – check out his Affordable Pricing Model for a quote! Click on his calendar to find a date for your school! Then get in touch with him to schedule a date to bring this valuable, fun, and content-rich program to your campus.
Dave is a member of the American Institute of Parliamentarians.