Writing effective and efficient minutes is important for every club and organizations. The minutes provide a record of what has been discussed and actions taken and can help in future planning. Make use of this for your group and email DaveKelly@GonzoSpeaks.com if you have any questions!
Template for Meeting Minutes
By Dave Kelly, America’s Student Leadership Trainer
Minutes for the __________________________________
(name of club or organization)
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at ___________________________ [Time]
[List all members in attendance first, then the advisor, then any guests and visitors]
[At end, note:]
A quorum of the number of members required to conduct business was _____________ was not __________________ present (check one)
Reading of the Minutes:
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by _________________. Changes/corrections are [list name of person making correction]
Motion to adopt the minutes as presented/corrected:
Vote: Aye ___ Nay ___ Abstain ___ [or indicate if approved by voice vote]
Officer Reports:
[Indicate which officers/advisors reported and a brief summary of what they reported on]
Committee Reports:
[Indicate which committees reported and a brief summary of what they reported on]
Special Orders:
[Any special items designated for consideration and this meeting or on-going business such as the recognition of clubs and organizations]
Old Business:
[Present by topic and any action taken. A summary of discussion could be included, however, this is not to be a transcript of what was said or a recitation of who spoke for and/or against a topic]
[Use this format for recording motions]
Motion: It was moved by ________________________ that [state motion here]. It was seconded by _____________________. Discussion.
[Record any amendments to the motion and any calls for the Previous Question, with makers and seconders]
Vote: Aye ___ Nay ___ Abstain ___ [or indicate if approved by voice vote]
New Business:
[Use same format as Old Business]
[List any announcements made]
[Indicate if adjourned by the Chair or if a motion was made, seconded, and voted on. Show who made motion and second]
The meeting was adjourned at _______________________ [Time]
Insert any other meeting categories or agenda items as appropriate for your club/organization in the order in which they happened during the meeting. The minutes are to be a summary and record of what happened, not a transcript. Use highlights when summarizing discussion or reports and attach copies of any written reports or exhibits.
Would you like me to train your clubs and organizations and/or student government how to write effective and efficient minutes? How about how to be a better campus leader. I would love to do it! Email me at DaveKelly@Gonzospeaks.com or call me at 770-552-6592. Booking me will not break the bank – check out my Affordable Pricing Model for a quote! I look forward to serving your students!
© 2018 David A. Kelly | 770-552-6592 | DaveKelly@GonzoSpeaks.com | www.DaveGonzoKelly.com