The Role of the Advisor

I have conducted several virtual training programs for club and organization advisors this fall. Before I get to their responsibilities later in this article, I want to talk about the big question that I often hear from them: “Should we even be having clubs and organizations right now?” The answer … [read more »]

The Dark Side of Parliamentary Procedure and Robert’s Rules

Mwahh, ha, ha, ha! Welcome to Tales from the Gavel Crypt, the dark side of parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules! The end of the fall term is almost here and by now, you may have encountered the evils of procedure – Points of Order/Information/Privilege, Motions to Reconsider, and the dreaded Abstention! … [read more »]

The Magically, Mysteriously, Disappearing Motion

  I have had the opportunity to serve in a number of leadership roles throughout my life and I estimate that I have run more than 1,000 meetings and programs to date! I know parliamentary procedure very well. In fact, I consider myself an expert on it as it relates to student … [read more »]

Building Your Team on Campus

Team building activities and games are usually a part of leadership workshops, retreats, and conferences. Following are some of my approaches and favorite interactives to help build teams such as student government, the programming board, residence hall leadership, and other clubs and organizations. Common Ground:  It is necessary to know why you … [read more »]

Template for Meeting Minutes

Writing effective and efficient minutes is important for every club and organizations. The minutes provide a record of what has been discussed and actions taken and can help in future planning. Make use of this for your group and email if you have any questions!   Template for Meeting … [read more »]