Learning Outcomes: Experience working at 4-5 tables/stations of quick-stop service projects. Engage with other students motivated to serve. Duplicate these easy to execute projects to benefit campus and community.
Leadership Solutions: How do you get students engaged in service who might not otherwise come out to a project? Bring the project to them and make it easy for them to participate. It may make them more interested in serving others!
Service Fair on the Go! is a two-hour event and can be set up as a stand-alone activity in a high traffic area on your campus or as a part of a servant leadership program or conference. Dave will bring all of the materials, instructions, and resources needed and will either facilitate the activities or train your students to run the tables, or both! All you provide is the tables!
You can also add one or several of Dave’s leadership and/or life skills workshops to make it a multi-focused event!
If you are bringing Dave to campus for a training, keynote, conference, or servant leadership program, you can add a 60 minute version of “Service Fair On The Go!” for only $500!