Unwrapping the Gifts of Student Leadership

One of my favorite movies of all time is A Christmas Story, written by Jean Shepherd.
The story is told in vignettes revolving around activities typically held this time of year. Narrated by author, playwright, and broadcaster Shepherd, Ralphie is loosely based on recollections from his life.

As I get ready to watch this holiday classic for the 400th time, I began thinking about my time as a student. What would it be like to look back and see the gifts I would receive as a student leader? Hopefully no socks, underwear, or lumps of coal in those packages!

3 Ways to Make Meetings Fun and Interesting!

Do your campus clubs and organizations see a drop-off in meeting attendance throughout the year? It is probably because of boring meetings which are typically characterized by the droning on of a monotone voice from the front of the room or the meeting leader who sits in the middle of … [read more »]

Building Your Team on Campus

Team building activities and games are usually a part of leadership workshops, retreats, and conferences. Following are some of my approaches and favorite interactives to help build teams such as student government, the programming board, residence hall leadership, and other clubs and organizations. Common Ground:  It is necessary to know why you … [read more »]

When Should I Train My Student Leaders?

When should I train my student leaders? That’s a question I get a lot. And the answer is that it varies from school to school, what stage of leadership your student leaders are at, and what you are trying to accomplish. Since I can’t cover every conceivable situation in this email, … [read more »]

Excellence Can Be Achieved by Every Student!

  “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” Vince Lombardi (1913-1970), Legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers “Ah, it’s good enough. Let’s just go with what we have.” Have you ever heard that? Have you ever said that? While it may be true … [read more »]

The Two Most Important Words in Any Campus Club or Organization!

One Minute Student Leadership Update Video: The Two Most Important Words The two most powerful words for any member of a campus club or organization are “I move.” Whether it is student government, the programming board, Circle K, the Gamers Club, or any other group, “I move” is where it … [read more »]

Keys to Helping Students Create a Vision for Their Organization

  Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” OK, maybe nothing quite that dramatic will happen if the leaders of your campus’ clubs and organizations don’t create a vision.  But, they may not have as much fun if they have no idea where they are going … [read more »]

The 6 Things You Must Have on Your Recruitment Table

  One Minute Video on this topic: Closing the Sale – Recruitment Membership recruitment for campus clubs and organizations is a key component of success for the year. How the recruitment table is set up can go a long way to determining your success in getting new members. Much of … [read more »]

Easy Ways to Use Parliamentary Procedure on Your Campus

An important topic in student leadership training is the use of Robert’s Rules of Order or parliamentary procedure. Many student leaders dread it, most are confused by it and some just abandon it altogether – which is NOT a good idea if you want to run better organizations.  I have … [read more »]