Club and Organization Leadership Training

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Dave is an experienced student leader and advisor on the campus, state, and national levels.  He served both in student government for four years while in college and also as the International President of a collegiate service organization, Circle K International (CKI).  He was a professional staff lobbyist for a state student government association and served as a state level advisor (District Administrator) for 18 years of the Georgia District of Circle K International.

In June of 2021, Dave was awarded the Circle of Service by Circle K International due to his long-time of service and dedication to the organization and mentorship of students as District Administrator.

“I brought Dave to Millersville University of PA and he was absolutely fabulous. Dave did such a great job. I just wanted to thank him for everything that he does! He is such a great resource for us and our students!” Jackie Aliotta, Coordinator of Student Organizations & Leadership

Put together your own agenda for your Campus Organization Leadership Training program, two hours, a half-day, full-day, or over several days! Booking Dave will not break the bank – check out his Affordable Pricing Model for a quote! Click on his calendar to find a date for your school!

Sample Agenda for Campus Organization Leadership Training (COLT)

Here are the titles of Dave’s programs and sessions; click on the titles for descriptions of each, along with Learning Outcomes and Leadership Solutions:

Virtual Leadership Programs

Booking Dave will not break the bank – check out his Affordable Pricing Model for a quote! Click on his calendar to find a date for your school!

You can invite all of your students to learn from Dave during his visit to your campus by adding some general leadership topics from his Student Leadership Workshop Series.

“I would recommend Dave Kelly to any school that wants to infuse genuine leadership development mixed with basic nuts and bolts for running organizations.  He reads the audience to determine what part of their practical leadership journey students are on, and then, since he is a master at his content, starts from where the students are to guide his presentation.  I will definitely be asking Dave back to teach and support our students!” Danielle L. Fry, Assistant Director, Student Affairs | Director, Student and Civic Engagement, Penn State University Altoona